Vincent Peters Timeless Time
A selection of 90 black-and-white works in which light takes center stage in defining the emotions and telling the stories of the subjects portrayed.
From Jan. 12 to Feb. 26, 2023, Palazzo Reale brings the iconic and timeless shots of photographer Vincent Peters to Milan with an exhibition with free admission entitled “Timeless Time”: a journey made of shadows, reflections and chiaroscuro, in a succession of familiar faces made familiar by the use of light.
The exhibition is curated by Alessia Glaviano, Curator & Head of Global Photovogue.
Christian Bale, Kim Basinger, Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel, Laetitia Casta, Cindy Crawford, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon, Michael Fassbender, Scarlett Johansson, Milla Jovovich, John Malkovich, Charlize Theron, and Emma Watson are just some of the celebrities whose portraits are on display at Palazzo Reale. These photographs have been taken by Vincente Peters, who, using impeccable lighting, elevates his subjects to a position that often transcends their celebrity status.
Vincent Peters “Timeless Time”. 12-1 / 26-2 2023 Palazzo Reale Milano