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Elio Fiorucci and the '80s fashion revolution

Elio Fiorucci, Instalation view, Foto Delfino Sisto Legnani -DSL Studio © Triennale Milano

Elio Fiorucci, an icon of Milanese fashion and a source of inspiration for generations, takes center stage in an extraordinary retrospective at the Triennale di Milano, open until March 16, 2025. This exhibition celebrates the creative genius who revolutionized Italian and international style, blending fashion, art, and pop culture with a unique and unmistakable flair.


Delfino Sisto Legnani -DSL Studio © Triennale Milano

For those who experienced Milan during the '80s, Fiorucci represented a true turning point. His iconic store in Piazza San Babila was much more than a shop: it was a vibrant, unconventional space that brought an international atmosphere to the city. From colorful plastic galoshes to satin leggings, and the playful sensuality of polka-dot dresses, Fiorucci infused Milan with a breath of fresh air, transforming it into a creative magnet for at least two decades.

The exhibition at the Triennale, curated by Judith Clark and designed by scenographer Fabio Cherstich, takes visitors on a journey through more than 500 items, including clothing, accessories, photographs, videos, and works of art. The showcase delves not only into Fiorucci's aesthetic language but also into his entrepreneurial and cultural vision, weaving together unpublished recordings of his voice with testimonies from those who contributed to his story.

Elio Fiorucci, Instalation view, Foto Delfino Sisto Legnani -DSL Studio © Triennale Milano Delfino Sisto Legnani
1982 - Polaroid con Madonna

In the 1970s and 1980s, Fiorucci also conquered New York, opening a concept store that revolutionized the way fashion was experienced. It was the golden age of the brand, blending the carefree style of disco with tight jeans, captivating icons like Madonna and Maripol. Fiorucci created a universe where fashion, music, and art converged, enchanting artists and creatives from around the world.

This retrospective is not just a tribute to a master of fashion but an opportunity to immerse oneself in an era of great creative energy, rediscovering a visionary who made Milan a hub of style and innovation.

Mostra Elio Fiorucci
Until March 16, 2025
(For more information)

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